Researchers have identified that sleep deprivation in youth is on the rise with an estimated 25% of adolescents affected by some form of sleep disturbance. Much like babies, during adolescence our biological sleep patterns change meaning we don’t fall asleep until later, making that 6am alarm clock a real killer! According to the National Sleep Foundation, teenagers required between 8-10 hours of sleep a night for their minds and bodies to function at optimal levels but due to lifestyle factors only 15% of teens actually sleep this much.
It’s a well-known fact that teenagers have delayed melatonin secretion at night and then elevated in the morning, meaning their body clocks don’t match their lifestyles with school commitments expecting them to rise early.
So how do we prevent sleep deprivation in our teenagers and help them achieve their best at school and maintain good mental health? Sleep education is the key!
With this in mind, Clinical Psychologist, Kathryn Smith who runs long standing adult insomnia programme, Towards Better Sleep, bring to you ‘Teen Sleep’ – a school run, two hour workshop designed for senior high school students. The workshop can also incorporate a 1 hour sleep education workshop for parents.
- 2 hour workshop for grade 11 and 12, held separately
- 1 hour additional workshop for parents
- Held at your school
- Understanding the importance of sleep
- Outline problems with not enough sleep
- Factors that interfere with sleep
- Work through good sleep hygiene
- How to monitor sleep
- Understanding insomnia
- Correcting poor sleep
- Relaxation and sleep diary
- Take Aways: Handout booklet, sleep diary, relaxation exercises.
If this sounds like something your school would like to offer its senior students, please get in touch. (07) 3395 86 33 or [email protected]

Kathryn Smith has been a registered psychologist since 1992 and is joint director at Brisbane based practice, Psychology Consultants. Kathryn’s special interests lie in treating people with anxiety disorders such as health anxiety, panic, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorders, social phobia, and generalised anxiety disorder. She has extensive experience and expertise in treating insomnia and is the co-founder and facilitator of long standing sleep programme Towards Better Sleep. Read More about Kathryn here.