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  • Morningside Office18 Thynne Road Morningside
    4170 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
    +61 7 3395 8633
  • Newmarket OfficeReading Newmarket, Level 1, Shop
    215, 400 Newmarket Road Q 4051
    +61 7 3356 8255


Clinical Psychologist, Dr Stan Steindl facilitates a small number of private and public events at a range of locations in Australia and around the world. If you are interested in holding a private or in-house event please contact Stan on

Compassionate Mind Training: 8 week course

Compassionate Mind Training (CMT) is an eight-week, practical skills building course designed to help people cultivate their compassionate mind. Drawing on compassion focused therapy, a comprehensive psychotherapy approach developed by Professor Paul Gilbert, CMT offers psycho-education regarding the human mind, the nature of our suffering, and how to cultivate the evolved human motivations and skills of compassion: to be sensitive to suffering in ourselves and others, and committed to trying to alleviate and prevent it.


  • 8 x 2.5 hour group sessions made up of maximum of 9 participants plus the facilitator. Scheduled as 8 sessions 6pm-8:30pm once a week.
  • Incorporates information sharing, experiential exercises, practical tips, and suggestions for bringing compassion into one’s daily life.
  • CMT is a closed—no new participants will be able to join once the course has commenced.
  • The venue is Psychology Consultants Morningside—18 Thynne Rd Morningside. Parking is available onsite and in adjacent Ison Street.
  • Course participants will be provided with a printed workbook to bring to each session, as well as audio recordings of exercises and practices. You will also have the option of purchasing Dr Steindl’s book- The Gifts of Compassion: How to understand and overcome suffering

About Dr Stan Steindl

Director of Psychology Consultants Pty Ltd, Stan has been a registered psychologist and practicing clinical psychologist since 1993, and works full-time in private practice. He has completed a PhD examining the relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and alcohol dependence among people suffering from combat-related trauma.

Stan has broad private practice experience working with men, women, adolescents, couples and families. He has also worked extensively with war veterans and other sufferers of stress and trauma, such as motor vehicle accident victims and victims of crime. His areas of interest include the treatment of anxiety, depression, stress and trauma, alcohol, drug, and smoking addictions, work-related stress and adjustment difficulties, grief and loss, and anger management problems.

In 2007, Stan travelled to the United States several times to develop his skills as a trainer in Motivational Interviewing (MI), becoming a member of MINT. He is a frequent presenter on the topic of MI, presenting lectures and workshops for a range of organisations, as well as public workshops. More recently, he has developed his expertise in the field of Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT), and presents lectures and workshops on this topic as well. He is currently providing CFT workshops through the Australian Psychological Society, among other organisations. He is an experienced trainer for corporate and government organisations in a number of specialist clinical psychology and counseling topics. For more information about MI, CFT and training opportunities click here.

A Clinical Consultant and Adjunct Associate Professor at School Of Psychology, University of Queensland, Stan provides supervision for post-graduate students carrying out internal clinical placement within the university clinics and teaching into the postgraduate clinical psychology program. He has also helped establish the Compassionate Mind Research Group at UQ, and is involved in a number of research projects on the topics of shame and trauma, compassion and self-compassion, and motivation and MI. He also provides private supervision of psychologists, social workers and others in the counseling and allied health fields. Stan works at both Morningside and Newmarket practices.